The Dancetherapy


What is it?

Dancetherapy is a path of reappropriation of body language through creative stimuli that favor the reunification of movement with the unique and living “feeling” of every human being.

The María Fux Method is based on the possibility of a change that allows you to get out and gradually abandon rigidity, fear, instability, regardless of the psychic, physical and social state of each one.

The human body is naturally predisposed to movement.

The skin, the muscles, the bone structure are a constant invitation to Dance, understood as a deep capacity for expression, communication, relationship.

When, due to illness, trauma, depression or loss of interest in what surrounds us, we move away from ourselves and enter the misty fields of “not feeling”, Dance Therapy, which is also a movement of affirmation and recovery of one’s identity, can lead back to the dimension of pleasure, balance, creation.

This practice does not replace medical or psychological interventions, but supports them, following paths linked to affectivity, sensitivity, emotion.

Over the years spent understanding and deepening this language, I have been able to cross geographical locations, different ages and different human states in terms of culture, physicality, social conditions. So I tried to understand what is the common root that connects every human being to his ability to express himself beyond the external and internal barriers of any kind. It is undoubtedly an infinite journey, but I feel that in the secret and common desire of man of every land to return to the home of Love, Dance Therapy indicates a direction.

I am guided by having met human beings whom I have seen breathing in Dance after long, sometimes infinite, apneas.

To you, to whom I give the name of Giovanna, Maria, Antonia, Ramesh, Nirmala, I dedicate the meaning of my research.

One morning, in a hospital room where you were suffering from a stroke, after two years of semi-paralysis and in a wheelchair, you got up and said:

“I remembered that I was alive.”

Thanks to you and to those like you who find their “Yes” , I too continue dancing.

And so dancing, I live.

Pio Campo


How It Happens

Dance therapy offers a wide area of practice and is aimed at children, adolescents, adults, the elderly and is applied in the field of education and rehabilitation with people who have relational or psychological difficulties, physical or sensory disabilities.

The language of movement, the basis of the existential dimension and of the relationship, is an irreplaceable resource for evolutionary transformations in situations where serious regression or incomplete development of symbolization processes make problematic or insufficient resources based on verbal language and logical- analytical.

But a dance therapy course is also aimed at those who seek to expand their relationship skills by overcoming emotional blocks, stiffness in posture, fear of contact with others, difficulties with oneself and with one’s body.

What is dancetherapy for Pio Campo